Faceting – Facts & Finds



FacetingAn Introduction

While there are quite a few places on the internet that have information on faceting, I will try to link you to those that can help the most. I also want to help those of us who can facet, but need problems solved or who just want to learn from others. There is no “Faceting for Dummies” to help the novice learn the process of faceting.
One of the best intros to faceting I have seen is on 

(Select logo for site)

which was superbly written and designed by our own Ron Gibbs.


Another really good site for introductory information is:

 FacetShop(Select logo for site)

After having introduced yourself to this art, the next step is to determine if you want to proceed. How?  At this point, it would probably be good to talk to those who facet so as to get a better feel for what is really going on, and whether or not you want to pursue learning how to facet. While this page is available to anyone around the world, the links and suggestions are mostly geared for the people in our gem club in Charlotte, NC. Since I have limited knowledge of what is available to faceters on the west coast for instance, I will let the organizations out there help as they can. Now, you have decided to look into this craft a little further, you want to do it.  How do you go about it?  The CGMC is working to make faceting lessons available to members.  Until then, you always have the option of taking a Faceting I class at:
WmHolland(Select logo for site)
They have qualified instructors, equipment and supplies for a individual to learn how to facet a stone. A week of classes there can help you get hooked on this hobby. All of this for about $350 for room & board as well as classes for the week.

Other places where faceting is taught are:(select logos for site)

North Coast Lapidary with Jim Perkins
North Coast Logo

The Faceting Academy with John Bailey

Faceting Academy





 Information for Faceters

 The best source of information is from the various Faceters Clubs & Guilds.
(Select the logo to go to their websites)

  United States Faceters Guild


UK Facetors Guild  United Kingdom Facet Cutter’s Guild


The most inclusive list of faceting information I have come across is found on the Old Pueblo Lapidary Club website. They have made available to everyone a comprehensive CD that has Designs, Links to other informative sites and most importantly, articles written by many of our generations Who’s Who in the faceting world. The format is on CD which can be downloaded or viewed on site.  A superb way to learn from the experts.


The largest library of Faceting Designs can be found at:

This site was developed to help preserve the many faceting diagrams that have been designed by the masters of this art and are available to us free of charge. Many terrific designs are available in many different patterns, from the premier designers the world over. Do yourself a favor and browse the site for the various styles and designs for each. 

Faceting Machines

Facetron w/ dial indicator

 Manufactured by:


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Fac-ette Gem Master II

 Manufactured by:


 Fac-ette Manufacturing, Inc.

(no longer in production)

Ultra-tec V2 w/ dial indicator

 Manufactured by: 


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Graves Mark IV
Graves Mark IV

 Manufactured by: 


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